Visado Kenia de forma fácil y rápido. Actualizado

Cada año que pasa aumenta la lista de países que tramitan el visado de turista de forma online. Este paso te evita colas interminables en el aeropuerto de entrada al país y te permite adelantar trabajo en los preparativos de tu viaje. El visado de Kenia también puedes conseguirlo online de...

The baht. The currency of Thailand and ATMs

If you’re going to make for this popular Southeast Asian country, you need to know that the official Thailand currency is the Thai baht (THB) and it comes in notes and coins. The baht is divided into 100 satang, although finding 25 or 50 satang coins is very unusual. The...

Ellora Caves. 34 temples dug out of rock

It is located about 30 km north of Aurangabad, in the Indian state of Maharashtra, the Ellora caves are an example of how far humans can go about the art and faith. They are totally carved out of rock and early fifth century, this complex consists 34 caves transformed into...